Welcome to EDS 2025 Matchmaking. Although many appoint­ments during EDS 2025 are made through pre­vi­ous­ly exist­ing rela­tions, but it is pos­si­ble to REQUEST an appoint­ment with com­pa­nies reg­is­tered at EDS who are open to receiv­ing inquiries. THIS IS A REQUEST ONLY — IT IS NOT A SCHED­UL­ING UTIL­I­TY AND NOT A GUAR­AN­TEE THAT AN APPOINT­MENT REQUEST WILL BE ACCEPT­ED. Meet­ings at EDS are presched­uled and gen­er­al­ly not open to drop-ins.

Com­pa­nies seeking or open to receiv­ing inquiries about meet­ings at EDS should use the form below to sign up for this utility. THIS IS A SEPARATE SYSTEM OUTSIDE OF EDS REGISTRATION and com­pa­nies must be reg­is­tered for EDS 2025 in order to use Matchmaking. Reg­is­tra­tion sub­ject to verification.

*Please have your EDS 2025 Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber avail­able, as it will be used to ver­i­fy your cre­den­tials for Match­mak­ing. The num­ber begins with a 4 and can be found on your EDS 2025 INVOICE or RECEIPT.